Delivering excellence in complementary medicine since 1993

The Complementary Medical Association

There’s never been a better time to join The CMA

You'll receive a whole host of unique CMA Member benefits and you'll help support the incredible work of The CMA!

What CMA Membership Benefits Will I Receive as a Full Practitioner Member (MCMA)?

  • The Complementary Medical Association is a non-profit organisation DEDICATED to ensuring YOUR success in practice. As a Full CMA Member (MCMA), you will be recognised as being among the elite in the entire profession. Nothing says more about YOUR commitment to excellence and professionalism than CMA Membership.
  • Be Featured as a Top Practitioner on This Site – every day, we feature six CMA Full MCMA Members directly on our home page – you will be featured here in rotation with a quick introduction, and this links directly to your very own page on The CMA site.
  • You will have your very own page on this website that features your biography, your picture, the disciplines you practice, all your contact details, and plenty of room for you to introduce yourself properly, to talk about how and why you practice in the way that you do, and to include real patient / client testimonials so that people can really get to know you on a personal level – this is the most effective way of developing a practice.
  • You will be eligible to participate in the Jayney Goddard MSc, FCMA’s online Practice and Business Development MasterClasses at a preferential CMA Members’-only rate, saving you hundreds of pounds! Jayney Goddard is President of The Complementary Medical Association and over the past three decades Jayney has been instrumental in supporting thousands of practitioners to grow their practices – and she is dedicated to YOUR success.
  • As a Full CMA Member, you’ll get referrals from people searching for a Fully Qualified Practitioner on this site – we get a huge amount of traffic – and you will benefit directly from this as it offers you the perfect platform to promote your work.
  • You’ll have access to the full CMA website – there are certain parts of the website that are inaccessible to non-Members – and these include our special Practice Development pages and more.
  • You’ll also have the option to have your articles published on The CMA website (subject to acceptance). We particularly encourage research articles and case studies.
  • Receive The CMA Latest World News on Scientific Breakthroughs in Complementary Medicine, FREE by email every week. This invaluable e-Newsletter keeps our Members totally up to date with all the latest research across the entire field of Complementary Medicine and Natural Healthcare – as well as keeping you totally in the picture as to political developments that directly affect our profession globally.
  • You’ll also have the option to have your articles published in this weekly e-Newsletter (subject to acceptance).
  • Receive your CMA Certificate of Membership – ready to frame and display on the wall of your Practice.
  • Access to Top Class, Low Cost Professional Indemnity Insurance (at a specially negotiated rate only available to CMA Members). 

Joining The CMA as a Full Member is extremely cost effective. Membership fees are paid monthly or yearly - whichever works best for your budget!

Monthly fees are only £17.25

Yearly fees are just £195

It doesn't stop there, see our whole list of perks to becoming a member of The CMA...

Even MORE Membership advantages

The CMA website ranks extremely highly among all healthcare sites globally, and thus YOU are much more easily found by potential clients. As well as a proper Membership site, we are a bona fide news site. In fact, we actually add around 4 to 16 new ‘News’ stories to the site every day! 

As you can see The CMA website has the latest news stories from the fields of Natural Healthcare updated throughout the day, each and every day of the year. If you’re interested in what Complementary Medicine and Natural Healthcare can do for you – and your patients / clients, it’s a ‘must visit’ site. Even if you don’t get to visit the site every day, you can be sure that your potential new patients/ clients will. 

A key target for the CMA website is to attract and inform – worldwide – those consumers who are “Hyper Health Focused”. Consumers who are desperate to learn more – and to understand what works and what doesn’t – across the whole field of medicine in both Conventional and Natural Healthcare – so that they can take control of their own health and make well-informed choices.

As a Full CMA Member you will have your own page within this site – where you can add all your practice details – including why you do what you do.

Your details will be highlighted when Health Focused Consumers actively search for a practitioner near them. They will see up to eight of their nearest practitioners (generally – or by therapy). 

As a Full CMA Member you will be featured regularly on The CMA website Home Page as a Top Practitioner on an ongoing basis.

And, if you have any ‘News’ that is relevant to a wider audience of Health Focused Consumers we will feature it – as a News Item on the site.

Our weekly e-Newsletter for practitioners goes to around 400 health journalists and reporters worldwide, including TV / Radio presenters and production companies – as well as around 25,500 practitioners across the globe.

This publication always includes news coverage of the latest research from around the world on effective, proven therapies – and all this ‘latest news’ is backed by up-to-the-minute research data from the world’s leading universities.

As this weekly e-Newsletter starts to attract more Health Focused Consumers – we will start featuring “Top Practitioners” in this online publication as well. So, please start to think about what you’d like to contribute – do you have news, research, an event, or something else? All we ask is that your article is newsworthy –  (and not ‘advertorial masquerading as a news piece!).

We also feature a helpful list of our CMA Approved Suppliers in each edition, with links to their pages on The CMA site so that they can be easily found. These are companies that offer the very best products and services within our profession and who have satisfied The CMA as to their deep commitment to excellence.

The CMA is run by practitioners for practitioners, students, training schools, and Approved Suppliers.  

We have regular online business development MasterClasses, and we are happy to give our Members guidance when faced with business development issues. We are passionate about helping you to become as successful as you can possibly be.

As a Registered Full CMA Member (MCMA) you will always get special Membership benefits and discounts – unavailable to non-members!

As a CMA Member you will save hundreds of pounds on Jayney Goddard’s online Business and Practice Development MasterClasses.

These include modules from the highly successful and Proven-to-Work courses: Developing Your Professional Practice Profitably Even in a Recession, Successfully Identifying Your “Perfect” Client, Developing Advertising That Works…

And more!

The Complementary Medical Association was founded back in 1993.

It has always offered its Members a number of key, underlying benefits.

  • A CMA (A4) Certificate of Membership – to frame and display on the wall of your Practice. 
  • Access to Top Class, Low Cost, Professional Indemnity Insurance

Members of The Complementary Medical Association have always benefited from the prestige of belonging to The Complementary Medical Association. CMA Members are recognised by other professional practitioners, as well as by doctors – and increasingly by the general public – as the elite force in professional, ethical Complementary Medicine:

If you are a professionally qualified Complementary Medical and Natural Healthcare practitioner, we would welcome YOUR support in helping us to represent You and Your Therapy’s successes to a wider audience. As well as fighting off attacks on our profession – from whatever source – we also seek to actively and publicly promote the positive, successful face of Complementary Medicine and Natural Healthcare – as practiced by some of the top professional practitioners in the world.

So, while you might not see it as Your No.1 benefit – and reason for joining The CMA – we see the top benefit of joining The CMA as being able to join together with other totally committed professional Complementary Medical and Natural Healthcare practitioners in one focused, powerful body.

Benefit from The Prestige of Belonging to The Complementary Medical Association

The Complementary Medical Association is the world’s leading multi-disciplinary Membership organisation for top, fully qualified practitioners. Practitioners who are serious about their ‘business’, and who are brilliant at treating clients to ensure they help them achieve their optimal health. Practitioners who are suitably concerned about public attacks on them and their profession. Practitioners who demand that someone is out there spreading the word about how their own kind of successful, well-delivererd complementary healthcare is for all of us.

That’s why they belong to The Complementary Medical Association.

We only accept practitioners who can prove their excellence as practitioners – as Full Members of The CMA.

If you are fully trained – at a CMA Approved College – or one that we can verify has an excellent  curriculum and professional examination procedures – AND are actively looking to build your career in Complementary Medicine and Natural Healthcare – and can prove you are 100% qualified – you can apply.

In the UK we have links with Conventional Medicine – and with their leading regulatory and professional bodies – the British Medical Association (BMA) and the General Medical Council (GMC).

Our Members are fully qualified, professional practitioners – who abide by the most exacting of Ethical Standards.

If you fit this description join us right now!

Demonstrate your commitment to excellence - and get the professional respect and recognition you deserve.

PLUS: as a CMA Member you can

Get Involved in Government liaison if you wish to:

As a Member of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Complementary and Integrative Medicine, we keep you informed about what’s going on in the Government and Europe.  What’s more, if you want to have your say, why not come along to the House of Lords with us as a guest of The Complementary Medical Association? Be the first to join our new country-by-country CMA Liaison Committees (starting in the US, India, China, and Egypt, in order to have a say, not just in ‘local’ issues – but to have an International platform, where you can help shape and influence the development of Complementary Medicine and Natural Healthcare across the globe).

Take Advantage of Public Speaking Opportunities:

We are constantly contacted by exhibition companies and product manufacturers who are looking for top level speakers.  If you would like to get involved in speaking on the national and international circuits please let us know so that we can promote you properly.

Get Help with Your Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

This is a vital factor when working in the Complementary Medical field – in order for you to offer your clients the very best service, it is essential that you are kept up to date with all the developments in the field, and therefore we require our members to undertake ongoing personal and professional development and we assist you in doing this.

What Are CMA Members Like?

CMA Members are highly motivated, committed, well-qualified professionals who run successful practices. They are busy practitioners who care passionately about the future of Complementary Medicine and Natural Healthcare. They know that what they do matters, it works, and it helps one person at a time to improve their own health and flourish, the natural way.

* The Complementary Medical Association currently recognises and helps support practitioners from more than 150 individual Complementary Medical and Natural Healthcare therapies.

Join Today and Help The Complementary Medical Association Stand Up for Your Right to Practice Successfully

Jayney Goddard

President, The Complementary Medical Association

One final word...

You can become a FULL MEMBER of The Complementary Medical Association for less than £5 a week!

“The primary aim of The Complementary Medical Association is to promote the positive health benefits of the service you deliver – as a fully qualified, professionally trained, ethically driven, Complementary Medical or Natural Healthcare practitioner. We are here to help you to communicate this to existing and potential new patients / clients, as well as to the Media, the Medical Profession, and Regulatory Bodies.

We ensure that you not only get the professional recognition your skills deserve, but also to help you build a successful, profitable practice for the good of your patients / clients.

CMA Membership is highly prestigious and, by joining, you are also supporting us in continuing to build upon the spread of positive, health-giving messages about Complementary Medicine and Natural Healthcare today. So do, please, JOIN The Complementary Medical Association and show YOUR SUPPORT in helping to develop a much more positive approach to Healthcare today”.

Please Note: If you are still studying and haven’t yet qualified in any disciplines, you can join as a CMA Student Member.

Remember – The Complementary Medical Association is a not-for-profit organisation – working for you.

Join The CMA

You can have all the benefits of CMA Membership for less than £5 a week, and you also have the option of spreading your Membership fee payment over the year if you choose to pay monthly. 

Essence of Healing
The steadfastness and professional standing of the CMA has been a wonderful support to the work I do as a professional in my field. The offering of various courses allowing further education and understanding is invaluable. So too, the recognition through the logo of CMA worldwide provides the opportunity to be of value to humanity, and for that I am most grateful.
Elizabeth Wey, Ph.D - Founder
"As a psychotherapist in Toronto, I enjoy providing others with relational safety and connection. Infinitely grateful for the CMA for it has played this role for me with its valuable newsletter and supportive resources and community."
Naomi De Gasperis
We have received invaluable support as a small organic brand from CMA. Our brand promotes healthy living through our organic plant based product and being part of this renowned world class organisation has been vital for our growth. We look forward to networking, collaborating and continuing to grow with the support of the CMA and our membership. We would highly recommend professionals and brands aligned to complementary medicine and healthy living to join the CMA.
CMA Approved Supplier
Fantastic organisation! The very best of the best! They really look after their members and provide so much support to complementary medical and natural health therapists. They went above and beyond to support us therapists throughout lockdown - and got us back to work thank you to The CMA!
Jill Lucas – Massage Practitioner
During lockdown, I found the CMA drop in sessions useful and supportive. When everyone else seemed to go underground, the CMA kept in touch with its members for free.
Tracy Ferriss
Made for Life Organics
I just wanted to say a big thank you to the amazing team at the CMA. These business development assets are absolutely brilliant and will really enhance the package that we offer our students. Many thanks again and warm wishes to all
Amanda Winwood
As a Fellow of the Complementary Medical Organisation, I am continually impressed with their quality of service and customer care. I have never encountered such a high level of passion and dedication to nurturing, guiding and educating their members. The CMA is a world class organisation which expertly represents evidence based research and clinical practice of the highest standard in the field of natural and complementary medicine. The CMA Advanced Certified Professional courses are superb. I am looking forward to embarking on the Integrative Oncology course shortly. I am very proud to be a member of such a visionary organisation. Highly recommended! ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐
Bianca Madison Vuleta
I am impressed and inspired by the quality and integrity of the CMA. I so appreciate the unwavering commitment of the CMA and its impeccable staff to evidence-based information on complementary health practices. It continues to be an oasis and support for my own personal and professional approach to a healthier and better life. Thank you to the CMA and its president, Ms Jayney Goddard
Frank Sabatino DC PhD
McQueen Health Clinic
As a new member, I have to say I love the CMA, as everyone is so helpful and supportive. Welcome pack was the best I have received, and the information available is invaluable. So glad I joined, worth every penny!
Allison McQueen--Luzar
There are so many organisations representing complementary health therapies and therapists, but how many have the integrity of the CMA ? Remember lockdown ? CMA spoke out in favour of therapists being able to work and in fact changed the law to protect those within the industry and just as importantly those who depend on regular sessions that help keep them well on so many levels. A great organisation driven by the desire to keep the industry professional, conscientious and effective by keeping standards high. When you see their logo attached to a website or course, you are looking at one of the best-established flagships representing natural health therapies in the UK.
Stuart Morris
Although I am now retired from practice, I have had a great interest in undertaking all of your advanced courses. This also keeps my neural connections active and contributes to positive health.
Carol Haughie
As a Fellow of the CMA I have found a greater acceptance of comments and opinion when referring people to medical professionals.
Tony Hardiman CDA SBRCP (Oriental Medicine) Master of Chi-Do. Voted Best Complementary Medicine Practitioner 2015 by the ICNM. Fellow of the CMA.
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